學校 系所 學位
期間 單位 部門 職稱
期間 內容
2020 林瑞德,'Coping resources for distress and well-being of Filipino Catholic migrants in Taiwan: An incremental validity analysis',Athens Journal of Social Sciences,vol7.63-80,2020
2019-07 林瑞德,'Exploring the relation between karma, Qi, spirituality, and subjective well-being among people in Taiwan.',Journal of Psychological Research,vol1.19-31,2019-07
2018-07 林瑞德,'Social and spiritual dimensions as protective factors in the relationship between acculturative stress and subjective well-being among international students in Taiwan',Psychology,vol9.1582-1604,2018-07
2018-05 Inna R. Edara (林瑞德),Haw-Lin Wu,'Impact of positive psychology education and interventions on well-being: A study of students engaged in pastoral care',International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences,vol12.511-522,2018-05
2018-05 ,'Incremental role of family relationships and hurt intensity in forgiveness of family offenders: A study of college students in Taiwan',Psychology,vol9.1023-1049,2018-05
2017-10 林瑞德,'Religion: A subset of culture and an expression of spirituality',Advances in Anthropology,vol7.273-288,2017-10
2017-09 林瑞德,'Understanding Laudato Si’s view of ecological education and well-being from indigenous relational perspective',Philippiniana Sacra,volLII.815-840,2017-09
2017-01 林瑞德,'Moderation effects of gender, age, and ethnicity on Intrinsic Religious Motivation and Spiritual Transcendence among European, Asian Indian, and Taiwanese Americans',Lumen: A Journal of Catholic Studies,vol5.171-195,2017-01
2016-04 林瑞德,'Relation of individualism-collectivism and ethnic identity to spiritual transcendence among European Americans, Asian Indian Americans, and Chinese Americans',Counseling and Values,vol61.44-63,2016-04
2016-04 林瑞德,'Differentiating among three Catholic groups in the United States: The role of ethnic-cultural and religious-spiritual variables',Pastoral Psychology,vol65.443-457,2016-04
2015-09 林瑞德,'Role of sociocultural aspects in the relationship between spirituality and subjective well-being.',International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science,vol3.38-53,2015-09
2015-09 林瑞德,'Cultural and ethnic variations in aspects of positive psychology',Indian Journal of Positive Psychology,vol6.219-225,2015-09
2015-07 林瑞德,'Mediating role of individualism-collectivism in spirituality’s relation to motivational forgiveness',Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy,vol6.28-40,2015-07
2015-01 林瑞德,'The Virtue of Hope: An Antidote to Despair (希望之德 - 解除絕望的良藥)',哲學與文化,vol四十二.51-72,2015-01
2014-05 林瑞德,'In search of serenity: Religious struggle among patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome',Journal of Religion and Health,vol53.562-578,2014-05
2013-08 林瑞德,'Spirituality’s unique role in positive affect, satisfaction with life, and forgiveness over and above personality and individualism-collectivism',Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion,vol24.15-41,2013-08
期間 內容
2019-08-27 林瑞德,'Exploring the Relation between Karma, Qi, Spirituality, and Subjective Well-Being among People in Taiwan',7th International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences,Japan,Tokyo,2019-08-27
2019-06-24 林瑞德,'人哲總整課程: 示範教學經驗分享',107學年度人生哲學課程第三次教師研習會,Taiwan,New Taipei City,2019-06-24
2019-06-24 林瑞德,'婚姻與家庭: Capstone 教案說明與討論',107學年度人生哲學課程第三次教師研習會,Taiwan,New Taipei City,2019-06-24
2019-05-27 林瑞德,'Coping Resources for Distress and Well-Being of Filipino Catholic Migrants in Taiwan: An Incremental Validity Analysis',13th Annual International Conference on Psychology,希臘,雅典,2019-05-27
2018-04-19 林瑞德,'Impact of Positive Psychology Education and Interventions on Well-Being',20th International Conference on Positive Psychology and Wellbeing,France,Paris,2018-04-19
2018-02-02 林瑞德,'Culture and Learning: Experiences in the U.S., Taiwan, and India',The Second International Research Congress: "Breakthroughs in Teaching and Learning",Taiwan,New Taipei City,2018-02-02
2017-10-12 林瑞德,'Determinants of Forgiveness in Families: A Perspective of Taiwan College Students',Bernard Wonkil Lee International Forum for Catholic Humanism,South Korea,Gyeonggi-do,2017-10-12
2017-05-06 林瑞德,'“Philosophy of Life” and Other Core Holistic Courses at Fu Jen Catholic University: Some Thoughts on Current Status and Future Directions',輔仁大學全人教育課程中心第10屆全人教育學術研討會,台灣,新北市,2017-05-06
2017-03-23 林瑞德,'Social and Spiritual Dimensions as Protective Factors in the Relationship between Acculturative Stress and Subjective Well-Being among International Students in Taiwan',Biennial International Convention of Psychological Science,Austria,Vienna,2017-03-23
2016-08-25 林瑞德,'Indigenous Relational Perspective of Ecological Education and Comprehensive Well-Being',The Association of Southeast and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities Annual Conference 2016,Australia,Broome,2016-08-25
2016-06-27 林瑞德,'Role of Sociocultural Aspects in the Relationship between Spirituality and Subjective Well-Being',The Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016,South Korea,Seoul,2016-06-27
2016-06-27 林瑞德,'Differentiating among three Catholic groups in the United States: The role of ethnic-cultural and religious-spiritual variables',The Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016,South Korea,Seoul,2016-06-27
2015-03-12 林瑞德,'Mediating Role of Individualism-Collectivism in Spirituality’s Relation to Forgiveness',International Convention of Psychological Sciences,The Netherlands,Amsterdam,2015-03-12
2014-06-06 林瑞德,'The Virtue of Hope: An Antidote to Despair (希望之德 - 解除絕望的良藥)',第五基督宗教諮商輔導研討會: 優傷癒盼望的諮商輔導,台灣,新台北 / 新莊區,2014-06-06
2012-04-19 林瑞德,'Food for Multicultural Thought: Exploring Changing Beliefs, Examining Changing Values.”',Loyola Diversity Forum,USA,Columbia/Baltimore,2012-04-19
2011-04-16 林瑞德,'“The Role of Religiousness and Spirituality in Psychological Understanding and Clinical Practice.”',North American Taiwanese Professors Association Annual Conference,USA,Rockville, Maryland,2011-04-16
2010-10-02 林瑞德,'身體語言與行為',Neuro-Linguistic Programming Workshop,United States,Baltimore,2010-10-02
2010-04-15 林瑞德,'“Discrimination and Prejudice in the United States: Sharing of Personal Experiences.”',Loyola Diversity Forum,USA,Columbia/Baltimore, Maryland,2010-04-15
2010-03-13 林瑞德,'“Religious Coping Among Patients Hospitalized for Acute Coronary Syndrome.”',8th Annual Mid-Year Conference on Religion and Spirituality,USA,Columbia/Baltimore, Maryland,2010-03-13
2009-04-11 林瑞德,'“Exploring Culture, Counseling, & the Mental Health Profession within a Global context.”',7th Annual Mid-Year Conference on Religion and Spirituality,USA,Columbia/Baltimore, Maryland,2009-04-11
年度 單位 獎項
2018 輔仁大學 模範教師
2018 World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology Best Presentation Award
2017 輔仁大學 105學年度教學績優教師
2015 輔仁大學 指標性期刊論文獎勵
2012 Loyola University Maryland “Joseph W. Ciarrocchi Research Award”
2010 Jesuit Honor Society Alpha Sigma Nu
期間 主持人 計畫名稱 贊助單位 贊助金額 職稱
2018-09-10至2019-07-31 林瑞德 Incremental Role of Beliefs in Psychological Well-Being over Physical Health and Interpersonal Relations null 100000.0000
2017-08-01至2018-07-31 林瑞德 Religious, Spiritual, and Humanitarian Attitudes as Indicators of Well-Being in Taiwan null 100000.0000
2017-01-02至2017-12-30 林瑞德 Coping Resources for Distress and Well-Being of Filipino Catholic Migrants in Taiwan null 198000.0000
2015-03-01至2017-02-27 林瑞德 Social and Spiritual Dimensions as Protective Factors in Relationship between Acculturative Stress and Subjective Well-Being among International Students in Taiwan null 100000.0000
年度 研究生 論文題目
108 嘉宏 ----
107 劉德國 學習成就、國小數學、體積、面積、教學方法
106 詹素珍 單身成年子女知覺親子衝突、家庭凝聚力與子女寬恕行為之相關研究